Google to measure store visits by using Machine learning

Google is announcing a major project to its store visits measurement tool today at its Google Marketing Next conference. Google has removed the details and used the location and contextual data since 2014 to estimate brick and mortar store visits spurred by online ads.

The organization is making great by adding its existing models with deep learning to bring and make understanding to even more customers. Google has gotten fairly good at using Wi-Fi signal, location, mapping and calibration data to estimate store visits, but the company still struggles to deliver accurate understanding to customers that operate in dense cities and multi-story malls.  Large number of products that sell in small quantities use cases like these and avoid traditional estimation techniques.

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Using Machine Learning 

Integrations with AdWords, Google Analytics and DoubleClick Search make it easy to bring together data from all your marketing channels. The end result is a complete view of your performance.
Google Attribution also makes it easy to switch to data-driven attribution. Data-driven attribution uses machine learning to determine how much credit to assign to each step in the consumer journey from the first time they engage with your brand for early research down to the final click before purchase. It analyzes your account"s unique conversion patterns, comparing the paths of customers who convert to those who don’t, so you get results that accurately represent your business.

Google is turning to deep Machine learning. Its hope is that it can restore accuracy by guiding a greater amount of training data into a deep learning model to account for more use cases. “We do this with machine learning at the core,” said Jerry Dischler, VP of product management for AdWords in an interview. “We couldn’t measure store visits without Machine Learning.”

Google says it has measured five billion store visits in three years. In an effort to boost this number even higher, the company is expanding its compatible campaigns to include YouTube True View. This is a logical next step in a world that is increasingly driven by video.

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In addition to adding YouTube support, Google is also announcing to marketers that it plans to push store sales management onto the device and campaign level. Integrating point of sale data into AdWords will further help to differentiate a visit.


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