Seattle is the fastest growing market for software engineers, says LinkedIn

LinkedIn research

According to new research from LinkedIn, Seattle has the fastest growing market for software engineers. The report also noted that Seattle offers a median compensation rate of $132,000, the second highest in the country, despite being a cheaper place to live than other big cities.

The research is looking at skill popularity, geographic spread, and professional networking opportunities. The number of open tech jobs continues to grow, and certain skills stand out in the job market.

According to the report, machine learning and data science are the most in-demand skills in tech. There are far more open jobs for those skills than there are professionals to fill them.

In addition to being sought-after, jobs in data science and machine learning also pay well. Despite the novelty of the field, it has the highest median compensation of any tech job in the US, $129,000.

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In terms of geography, Seattle may be the fastest growing market, but San Francisco still dominates in terms of compensation, job demand, and available talent. However, Seattle also offers a much lower cost of living than San Francisco. Seattle"s median compensation is also $20,000 higher than New York City, also with a lower cost of living.

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The report said, as software engineers leave San Francisco, many are choosing to settle in cities like Los Angeles and Boston. Los Angeles lays claim to a major diaspora of mobile engineers, while Boston boasts the third-highest median compensation rate of $111,000.

Professionals in the market for a new job shouldn"t rule out cities like Dallas and Philadelphia, either. The report said that they have low talent supply relative to their job markets, calling them "hidden gem" cities.

Networking also plays into the job search, as 56% of software engineers already knew someone at the organization they moved to before they took the job. Software engineers also regularly look for job opportunities, and update their resumes and profile pages.


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