13 types of cancer related to obesity
The study looked at cancers more likely to occur in people who are overweight or with obesity. These cancers are linked to overweight, but are not necessarily caused by being overweight.
A handful of overweight-linked cancers occur only in women. 40 percent of all the cancers diagnosed in the United States, health officials reported. Among all cancers, 55 percent in women and 24 percent in men associated with overweight and obesity.
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Cancer cases involving more than 630,000 Americans
For every increased kilogram per square meter, the standard measurement of body mass, a woman’s risk of developing endometrial cancer is increased 8%, compared with 5% for kidney cancer, and 2% for breast cancer. "That obesity and overweight are affecting cancers may be surprising to many Americans. The awareness of some cancers associated with obesity and overweight is not yet widespread," Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC deputy director, said during a midday media briefing.
The study findings suggest that living obese or overweight associated with cancer cases involving more than 630,000 Americans in 2014, and this includes 13 types of cancer. That doesn"t mean too much weight is causing all these cancer cases, just that there"s some kind of still-to-be explained association. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Speaking at the news conference, Dr. Lisa Richardson, director of CDC"s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, said early evidence indicates that losing weight can lower the risk for some cancers.
Although the rate of new cancer cases has decreased since the 1990s. Increases in overweight and obesity-related cancers are likely slowing this progress, the researchers said.
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Obesity linked with cancer among those younger than 75
About two out of three occurred in adults aged 50 to 74, the researchers found. Excluding colon cancer, the rate of obesity-related cancer increased by 7 percent between 2005 and 2014. During the same time, rates of non-obesity-related cancers dropped, the findings showed.
In 2013-2014, about two out of three American adults were overweight or obese, according to the report. For the study, researchers analyzed 2014 cancer data from the United States Cancer Statistics report and data from 2005 to 2014. Cancers linked to obesity increased 7 percent between 2005 and 2014, but colon cancer decreased 23 percent. Screening for colon cancer is most likely the reason for that cancer"s continued decline, Schuchat said.
Cancers not linked to obesity dropped 13 percent. Except for colon cancer, cancers tied to overweight and obesity increased among those younger than 75.
The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that "20 percent of all cancers in the United States caused by combination of excess body weight, physical inactivity, excess alcohol, and poor nutrition.
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Moreover, the American Cancer Society is currently doing its own extensive calculation. The numbers and proportions of cancer cases attributable to excess body weight.
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