New gesture technology can turn every object into remote controls

Gesture technology

Gesture control technology is based on recognition. The technology is a way for computers to begin to understand human body language. Compared to the primitive user interfaces (keyboard and mouse), it builds a richer bridge between the computers and humans. Gesture control devices recognize and interpret human body movements, allowing the user to interact with a computer system.

New gesture control tech turns anything wish into a remote control. It targets rotating movement and can use with televisions, computers, and other devices that use screens.

Researchers from Lancaster University shows a novel technique, "Matchpoint" technology, allows interaction between movement (human or object) and screens.

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"Matchpoint" technology

The "Matchpoint" technology requires a simple webcam, works by displaying moving targets that orbit a small circular widget in the corner of the screen. These targets correspond to different functions, such as volume, changing channel or viewing a menu. The user synchronizes the direction of movement of the target, with their hand, head or an object, to achieve "spontaneous spatial coupling", which activates the desired function.

Lancaster"s technology looks for rotating movement so it doesn"t require calibration, or the software to have prior knowledge of objects. Also, users don"t need to learn specific commands to activate different functions.

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Matchpoint allows users to manipulate images on whiteboards by using two hands to zoom in and out, and rotate images. In addition to short-term couplings, users can also link stationary objects to controls, which even when left for prolonged periods will retain their control function.

Christopher Clarke, developer of the technology, said, "Spontaneous spatial coupling is a new approach to gesture control that works by matching movement instead of asking the computer to recognize a specific object.

Researchers believe Matchpoint is suitable to use as an accessibility tool for people to use traditional pointers, such as remote controls and a mouse and keyboard.

More information: [Lancaster University]

video: [new gesture technology]


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