Research suggests physical exercise makes women feel stronger and thinner

Physical exercise

A new research suggests a single time of physical exercise can make us feel stronger, thinner, and happier.

According to 2013 reports only 11 percent of adult U.S. women over the age of 45 are satisfied with the appearance of their body. Body image dissatisfaction is a major risk factor for eating disorders and other types of unhealthy behavior.

Body image dissatisfaction is mainly affecting women. But, some studies shown that "normative discontent" it means people are not happy with their bodies look like a result of societal beauty norms affects both men and women to a comparable extent.

30 minutes of exercise

Kathleen Martin Ginis, a professor at UBC, Okanagan compared the physical self-perceptions and body images of women who exercised moderately for 30 minutes. Research on 60 young women with an average age19 years, who already had body image concerns and engaged in physical activity regularly.

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The women randomly assigned to do either 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise, or engage in quiet reading while sitting.

The researchers evaluated the women"s state body image, which is how one feels about one"s body at a specific moment in time.

The women who worked out improved their body image significantly, compared with those who did not exercise. The effect almost immediatly and lasted for a minimum of 20 minutes after exercise.

The affect and physical self-efficacy did not change significantly. Instead, it was the self-perceptions of body fat and strength that improved considerably after the exercise.

Prof. Ginis emphasizes that exercise interventions are an effective way to boost psychological well-being.

The study shows one way to feel better is to get going and exercise. The effects can be immediate.

More information: [ScienceDirect]
