Genetic interactions through Music

Recent advances in genetic research offer ground for exploring the genetic basis of music ability. Overview of behavioral and molecular genetic interactions commonly used in human genetic analyses. Critically reviews the key findings of genetic investigations of the components of music ability

Dr Csilla Varnai at the Babraham Institute is generating computer models that fully recreate how genetic information recorded with DNA molecules organized within living cells. Artistic collaboration between musician and sound producer Max Cooper, respected visual artist Andy Lomas. Both researchers and musicians from the Babraham Institute in Cambridge has produced new way to experience complexity of DNA organization. The first two tracks, "Chromos" and "Coils of Living Synthesis", inspired by the work of her research is changing our understanding of biology. Meanwhile, by revealing how genes that are not close together in the genome interact and influence each other.

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Cells inside DNA represented as "X"-shaped chromosomes arranged in neat little lines. Although, plenty of space between one chromosome and the next. Yet with more than two meters of DNA completely filled into each cell nucleus. Space less than 100th the size of a grain of sand nothing could be further from the truth. In fact the 46 chromosomes in a human cell spend most of their time as part of a tangled mass of DNA.

Cells move their genes according to the situations

Genes in cell highly organized. Dr Varnai"s has helped to reveal that the location of a gene inside a cell. As well as its position in space relative to other genes, can drastically change how a gene behaves. This research uses experimental techniques that can reveal which genes are close together in space. Using computers, this information can be converted into a virtual three-dimensional landscape. Showing the location of all the genes inside a single cell. The goal is to reveal how cells move their genes around in different situations. And to alter their effects on the cell as a whole.

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Moreover, Max Cooper has linked his work to scientific research and this is not the first time. However, New EP follows on from his extensive Emergence project, exploring the symbiosis of music and science with visual representations of data. Together the music and visuals combine into a unique experience offering anyone the chance to experience the inspiring magnificence and elegance that forms the centerpiece of every living cell.

