IBM new Open Liberty project support Java microservices and cloud-native apps

IBM Open Liberty project

IBM revealed the Open Liberty project, open sourcing its WebSphere Liberty code on GitHub, supports Java microservices and cloud-native apps. The company created Liberty to help developers more quickly and easily create applications using agile and DevOps principles.

Ian Robinson, WebSphere Foundation chief architect at IBM, said, the development life cycle continues to accelerate, and developers now asked to turn ideas into production-ready, scalable apps extremely quickly.

Open Liberty supports Java microservices that can update regularly and easily moved between different cloud environments. Robinson noted, when a commercial WebSphere product license is applied, Open Liberty is fully supported by IBM as well.

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commercial versions of WebSphere Liberty

Developers can also choose to move to the commercial versions of WebSphere Liberty at any time. Which include technical support and more specialized features. Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty built on the same codebase, allowing for a seamless transition and no need to modify apps.

Open Liberty is part of IBM"s longtime work to open source. Creating Open Liberty, IBM also contributed the IBM J9 VM to Eclipse as Eclipse OpenJ9. The combination of OpenJ9 and Open Liberty provides the full Java stack from IBM with a fully open licensing model.

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Developers can download Open Liberty from, and can contribute to the code via GitHub. IBM"s development team will work closely with the wider developer community to review the new features in the open and ensure the platform remains the most robust and capable run-time for Java apps.

We hope Open Liberty will help more developers turn their ideas into full-fledged, enterprise ready apps, explains, Robinson. Also, hope it will broaden the WebSphere family to include more ideas and innovations to benefit the broader Java community of developers at organizations big and small.

More information: [IBM]


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