LinkedIn announces Audience Network for marketers to expand sponsored content to third-party services

LinkedIn Audience Network

The Microsoft-owned professional networking service LinkedIn launched a new service called LinkedIn Audience Network. The service allows marketers to target their sponsored content to third-party apps and websites.

LinkedIn has more than 500 million users globally. LinkedIn has launched versions of the LinkedIn Audience Network in the past. But the company’s latest endeavor reimagined with a focus on mobile and native ads.

LinkedIn product manager Divye Raj Khilnani, explains, the difference is that this a completely new experience that is focused on mobile and native formats. The service offers greater advertiser control and reporting.

Around 6,000 advertisers participated in the Audience Network program during its beta phase. On average, an increase of three to 13 percent in unique impressions served, with an up to 80 percent increase in unique clicks. This means that advertisers running campaigns in the Audience Network are reaching new people they hadn’t yet engaged in one of LinkedIn’s owned and operated properties.

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sponsored content

The LinkedIn Audience Network targets LinkedIn members. They may then start seeing sponsored content on subsequent websites and mobile apps they visit. The clear majority of the mobile impressions served in apps.

LinkedIn is working with several ad exchanges for the program, including MoPub, Rubicon, and Sharethrough, which deliver sponsored content to a variety of websites and apps, such as,

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Generally, brands may wish to steer clear of specific websites or apps. So, LinkedIn Audience Network allows marketers to stipulate which publishers their content appears on.

Khilnani said, the LinkedIn Audience Network increases marketing footprint beyond the LinkedIn platform so you can extend your campaign’s reach, deliver on your budget more easily, and get your content in front of the right people, wherever they are.

LinkedIn also allows marketers to download performance reports that show the number of clicks and impressions and the engagement time. It compares your network performance to your on-site performance.

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