Protecting home networks – some guidelines read more at here

These days Cyber Attack/Cyber Crime are becoming buzz words in daily life, If we go by the saying – Safety Saves, then one has to take all possible precautions for protecting oneself form such unwelcomed and unwanted happenings.

The first point of entry for these intruders in your home network is your router, so one has to be extra careful and vigil to secure this point. Many of us, many times don’t give a serious thought to secure our routers by using strong password protection, which is the entry point of internet signals and further spread to different devices through WiFi. So it is a matter of utmost care to protect your router with help of strong and complex password. Not only this, one should also take initiative to change it periodically to keep these intruders away.  

Secondly, whenever and wherever possible, keep your all devices in home password protected that’s connected to the internet, preferably each one with its own unique password. Apps like DAshlane or Last Pass can be used for keeping a track of different passwords.  

There are cases where numbers of internet connected devices are without password protection. But now with increasing need and awareness consumers are avoiding to buy such devices and manufacturers are seriously upgrading their devices to make them less vulnerable. 

The most common way adopted by hackers to intrude into your privacy is through phishing emails, most of them having attachments carrying malicious software or malware with them. That malware goes on to infect your system or network, opening a backdoor where hackers can come and go at will. So the best protection is to stay away from such emails, especially those containing attachments or links, from unknown sources or even people you know whose accounts might have been hacked. When in doubt, start a new email to the person and ask if they sent you something to open.


Even in case of an email from a company or bank you doing business with asking to update current information by clicking some link, you must check with them first before doing so because no legitimate company asks its users to update or even verify their personal information via links. One should be extra careful of emails asking for immediate response with a threat to disable the account if not responded. 


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