Cellphone Tower on the Moon by German startup

A startup is aiming to setup a LTE cell phone base station on moon. To make communication easy with the astronauts on the moon from earth. The company has designed the detailed structure of telecommunication from moon and the earth.

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The first private companies entity to reach the moon. The startup known as Part Time Scientists (PTScientists) from Germany. The idea has many aspects in building it.

This helps the lunar Quattro rovers from Audi sending through Apollo 17. To communicate with great data transmission through the cell tower, also revert back the data to earth

Project supported by Vodafone, PT scientists and Audi

However, the two rovers help PTScientists to see the reason behind the last Apollo mission in it’s over 40 years of stay on the surface of the moon.

Moreover, the project is supported by three companies Vodafone, PT scientists and Audi car maker developing the rovers with high technology navigation, capability for LTE communication and four wheel drive with solar power.

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In addition, the team of scientists and engineers has been hard work in Berlin from 8 years to realize their dream of reaching the moon.

