Samsung and Foxconn create a new file transfer standard, Kiss


Samsung and Foxconn together create a new file transfer standard, which enables large data transfers within seconds. The standard, ‘Kiss’, developed by a company called Keyssa, and supports gigabyte-sized transfers between devices near.

While the standard sounds are natural, like Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. The transfers will be facilitated by chips embedded in devices. The chips would use Extremely High Frequency (EHF) carriers to transfer data between devices. This technology expected to run at speeds of 5GB per second on laptops and 1GB per second on mobiles.

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The advantage of this technology is to transfer data easily and eliminate the need for cables. Currently, transfer between even light devices such as smartphones. As smartphones and laptops shrink in size, which has separate touchscreen. The focus seems to be on easier portability. Easier transfer of data will facilitate easier streaming of videos between devices.

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If user wants to play a video from smartphone on TV, will need two devices embedded with ‘Kiss’ standard chips before the other connecting mechanisms. According to Keyssa, a movie from a smartphone might easily played on TV using these embedded chips.

This standard might implement universally across devices. Keyssa has both Apple manufacturer Foxconn and Samsung on-board for this project.

Shankar Chandran from Samsung Electronics, said, the standard would become widespread soon. Standards tend to get ecosystems built around them in a fairly complicated way.

Android co-founder Andy Rubin’s Essential phone might come with a "magnetic connector with wireless data transfer, which is similar to Kiss connector. According to Keyssa, it has filed more than 250 patents around the technology, including 50 patches issued in the United States.

Essential said, Keyssa as a component supplier for Essential Phone and chose to proceed with a different supplier that could meet our performance specifications for the product.


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