Google Celebrates Its 18th Birthday With A Doodle read more at here

Google is celebrating its 18th birthday on Tuesday with an animated Doodle shown to web browsers around the world.

The internet giant was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. However, not even Google seems to really know when it was formed. Since 2006, it has celebrated its birthday on September 27, but the year before that, had it as September 26.

In 2004, its 6th birthday Doodle went online on September 7 and in the year before that, it was September 8.

The Web domain was registered in 1997, but Google officially opened for business in September of 1998.

There’s nothing especially meaningful about the 27th in the Google timeline. There’s at least six other days that have been celebrated as Google’s birthday – and none of them are any more meaningful than any of the others.

Google has celebrated on at least four days in September: the 7th, the 8th, the 26th and the 27th. The latter – which appears to be what Google’s sticking to for now – was first celebrated in 2002, on Google’s 4th birthday, though the company has celebrated a range of other dates since.


The company is showing a cute, celebratory doodle on homepage. It shows Google’s “G” blowing up a balloon to spell out the rest of its name – but blowing it up too much, and being carried off into the sky. In the backdrop are two bunches of bright balloons. Each bunch has three balloons representing the six letters G O O G L E.


All of that confusion led Google to admit in 2013 that it didn’t really know when its birthday was.
