Few takers for Samsung Galaxy Note 7 replacements read more at here www.spinonews.com/index.php/item/939-few-takers-for-samsung-galaxy-note-7-replacements
Samsung that was overwhelmed with the launch of its new Galaxy Note 7 seems to be sailing through bad time.
Tuesday it declared that 500,000 units for replacement of recalled phones having exploding/burning battery issues, had arrived in U.S. and is available for exchange from Wednesday. Samsung claimed through its spokesperson that majority of people have opted for another Galaxy smartphone but recent survey conducted by SurveyMonkey presented some different picture. Many of the original buyers who had put in all efforts to go for critically acclaimed phone in the first week of its launch may go against it on second session.
Almost one third of the people who were surveyed opted to go for a refund rather than to go for a replacement. According to this online poll, out of 507 people who participated, 35% opted for refund while 26% admitted to switch to Apple and another 21% decided to go for a different phone from Samsung itself. Rest 18% was seen to stay back with Note 7.
If survey trend materializes Samsung could have to cough out a significant amount in refunds and can loose on millions of smartphone sales. Note 7 were sold like hot cakes in initial weeks of its launch in August and were expected to be a threat to iPhone 7 that was due for launch in September.
The survey results clearly indicate tough times for Samsung but it may prove as just a temporary hit to the brand as its overall product quality is good.
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