Mexican police found bazooka in van for launching drugs into U.S. read more at here

As part of the actions implemented for security and border surveillance, the National Security Commission, through the Federal Police detected a vehicle type panel with modifications and additions, apparently used for launching packages on the border of Sonora. 

The assurance was made to make tours on 14th Avenue in the town of Agua Prieta, where troops detected a parked vehicle without license plates that was with the doors open. 

When inspecting inside an air compressor was located, a gasoline engine, a tank for storing air and a metal tube about 3 meters long (bazooka homemade). 

Nearly 10 feet long that they believe was used as a bazooka to blast packets of narcotics across the border into the United States. 

The van has a cut in the roof toward the back, the commission’s press release on the discovery states, to allow the tube to be used to launch projectiles, possibly from close to the border into the United States.

Whether hidden in cargo, carted in tunnels, via drug mules, catapulted or carried by drones, illicit drugs are smuggled into the U.S. through a dizzying array of means.

 Authorities believe that traffickers have been using homemade cannons since as early as 2012.

Packets of crystal meth, cocaine and marijuana that might have been fired from them have been found on the U.S. side of the border.
