Scientists confirm the universe has no direction read more at here

The universe is not spinning or stretched in any particular direction. Using data from the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite, Scientists have confirmed what cosmologists have assumed all along- our universe expands the same way in all directions.

Daniela Saadeh from University College London said, we are very glad that our work vindicates what most cosmologists assume. For now, cosmology is safe. “The discovery is the best evidence yet that the universe is the same in all directions,” she said.

For example, a universe spinning about an axis, would create spiral patterns, whereas a universe expanding at different speeds along different axes would create elongated hot and cold spots.

The spacecraft recently released information about the Polarisation of CMB across the whole sky for the first time, providing a complementary view of the early universe.

Four potential CMB patterns for universes with direction

Image Credits: CMB patterns

Previously, scientists had looked for patterns in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) map that might hint at a rotating universe. The team used measurements of the CMB taken between 2009 and 2013 by the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite. The new study considered the widest possible range of universes with preferred directions or spins and determined what patterns these would create in the CMB.

The Scientists calculated the odds that “the universe prefers one direction over another at just one in 121,000”.
