Blue Bottle Coffee is raising another big round of funding read more at here

According to the TechCrunch report, Blue Bottle is raising a big round of financing a little more than a year after it raised a whopping $75 million.

Silicon Valley is known for plenty surprising investments, anywhere from alternative food products to space exploration, and the coffee industry is certainly no exception. There’s a huge coffee market and a near-perfect comparable in the market, with Starbucks hanging out at an $80 billion valuation. For any coffee company, capturing even a fracture of that market already means the company has hit unicorn status.

Blue Bottle has been aggressively opening stores around the country. For any spot where there exists a Starbucks, there’s naturally a slot for another competing coffee shop - especially if they can offer better coffee or at least a better retail experience.

Starbucks is also in a unique position from an optics standpoint, as the company has grown so large and now that it faces the scrutiny of public investors has to find ways to deliver results to Wall Street.

Blue Bottle, too, is finding itself with new potential revenue streams in the form of distributing its New Orleans style ice coffee — packaged in a cute little milk carton that you might have had during elementary school - and cold brew coffee, as well as selling beans.

Blue Bottle has certainly built up a strong brand around the coffee elite, it needs to convince the world outside of caffeine-crazed metropolitan areas that it’s a better option that Starbucks.




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