Project Springfield: Microsoft’s new AI-based fuzz-testing tool read more at here

Microsoft unveils a first preview of Project Springfield at its Ignite conference in Atlanta. Project Springfield can be considered a tool for fuzz testing, which involves giving software random input in order to uncover vulnerabilities that people could exploit.

Microsoft’s Project Springfield uses artificial intelligence to learn which parts of your software are most critically affected by harmful inputs.

The main component in Project Springfield is SAGE, a fuzz testing tool that Microsoft used to uncover security flaws in Windows 7. Fuzz testing, one of the oldest methods of finding vulnerabilities and bugs in a software.

“Project Springfield works on binaries, with no source code or private symbols needed,” Microsoft says on a website about Project Springfield.

Microsoft says, Project Springfield is a million-dollar bug detector. Because the Microsoft Research development is a fuzz tester that detects vulnerabilities that people could exploit by giving software random input. 

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