Amazing health benefits of camel milk read more at here

Before dismiss drinking camel's milk as yet another exotic and unappetizing health trend, you should consider the fact that it's been used for more than 5000 years, not only as a survival food but also for its remarkable disease-fighting properties.

Recent research has shown that camel milk is effective in treating and preventing diabetes among other diseases and it also contains health-boosting enzymes. Another great thing about camel milk is that it can be consumed by those who are lactose intolerant.

Recent research has shown that this milk contains more nutritional value than other forms of milk. On top of the many surprising health benefits, camel milk is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and is high in vitamins and minerals.

Camel milk has been proven to reduce insulin dependence in type-2 diabetes patients. It has been theorized that it contains insulin-like substances that mimic the interaction of insulin within the body.

Camel milk contains high levels of the neurotransmitter GABA, which is important for proper brain function and is also believed to relieve anxiety symptoms. The milk has been shown to kill cancer cells, but the specific anti-cancer molecule has not yet been isolated.

Camel milk provides a powerful probiotic effect. It helps the body produce healthy gut bacteria that fight disease and also help to regulate mood and alleviate the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

Camel milk contains more than 200 different types of protein, some of which are known to boost the immune system. Drinking camel milk can help in reducing meat intake to obtain the necessary amount of proteins for a healthy diet.

According to researchers, camel milk is believed to be the closest thing to human mother’s milk.


You should only buy camel milk from a trusted source, it's available online and in most states it can be sold directly from farms to consumers.  
