Computer experts from the University of Kent identified 14 components of creativity read more at here

Computer experts at the University of Kent have been identified the elusive and complex components of creativity.

Dr. Anna Jordanous, lecturer in the School of Computing, worked with language expert Dr. Bill Keller looked at people when they talk about "what is creativity" in academic discussions, from various disciplines psychology, arts, business, and computational creativity.

In an article published by PLOS ONE entitled "Modelling Creativity, identifying key components through a corpus-based approach, they describe a unique approach to developing a suitable model of creative behavior emerges that is based on the words people use to describe it.

Computational creativity is a relatively new field of research into computer systems that exhibit creative behaviors.

Using language-analysis software, they identified the creative words and grouped them into clusters. These are considered 14 components of creativity.

These clusters have been used to evaluate the creativity of computational systems, and are expected to be a useful resource for other researchers in computational creativity, as well as forming a basis for the automated evaluation of creative systems.
