Dartmouth-Led Team Develops WristWhirl, That Lets you control your smartwatch with hand gestures read more at here www.spinonews.com/index.php/item/1279-dartmouth-led-team-develops-wristwhirl-that-lets-you-control-your-smartwatch-with-hand-gestures
Scientists have developed a new smartwatch that can be operated with wrist movements and gestures, allowing users to control the device even when their hands are not free.
A Dartmouth-led team has come up with a solution by developing WristWhirl— a smartwatch prototype that uses the wrist wearing the watch as an always-available joystick to perform common touch screen gestures with one-handed continuous input.
"While other studies have explored the use of one-handed continuous gestures using smartwatches, WristWhirl is the first to explore gestural input. Technology like ours shows what smartwatches may be able to do in the future, by allowing users to interact with the device using one hand (the one that the watch is worn on) while freeing up the other hand for other tasks," said Xing-Dong Yang, assistant professor of computer science at Dartmouth.
The WristWhirl project will be presented at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology on October 19.
To develop the WristWhirl prototype, researchers investigated the biomechanical ability of the wrist by tasking a small group of participants to conduct eight joystick-like gestures while standing and walking.
WristWhirl was built from a 2" TFT display and a plastic watch strap augmented with 12 infrared proximity sensors and a Piezo vibration sensor placed inside the wrist strap, which is connected to an Arduino DUE board, a type of microcontroller board.
Xing-Dong Yang is available for comment at xing-dong.yang@dartmouth.edu.
Source: dartmouth.edu
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