Electromagnetic frequencies disrupt human physiological balance in multiple ways read more at here www.spinonews.com/index.php/item/1325-electromagnetic-frequencies-disrupt-human-physiological-balance-in-multiple-ways
Latest research suggests that every day consumer products from ordinary microwave ovens and smartphones to advanced Wi-Fi routers and radioactive smart meters are systematically destroying human health.
Migraine headaches, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and among the many common maladies that are being increasingly linked to these technologies.
Some studies show that electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) can depolarize the membranes that protect nerve and muscle tissue, damaging cells and facilitating the extended life cycle of oxidizing free radicals.
A recent study explaining both thermal and non-thermal EMFs are harmful. EMFs in general is known to directly alter the behavior of cells and tissues, in effect, damaging the cardiovascular system, bone marrow, DNA, blood, reproductive function, and more.
The endocrine system, which manufactures hormones, is also disrupted by constant exposure to EMFs, which end up operating at less-than-optimal levels when bombarded by these radioactive waves.
This research shows that, EMFs are both cytotoxic and genotoxic nearly every system of the body is damaged by their presence.
Human exposure to EMFs comes from many sources, and situations are different in people's everyday lives. There are many factors that influence the degree to which people may be affected by EMFs. If the body's biological system is exposed to EMFs, which produce electric currents and fields, in fact the normal physiological balance is upset.
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