Google Photos Will Create Animations From Videos read more at here

Google photos will now create animations from videos and also fix your sideways pictures. Machine learning in Google Photos does the work for you. Cards will automatically show up in the Assistant tab of Google Photos when they’re ready.

Tim Novikoff- Product manager, Google photos said, we’re bringing you four new features for Google Photos — three new ways for you to relive and the share moments that matter, and a quick way to fix some of those pesky sideways photos in your collection.

First, Google Photos will now help you rediscover old memories of the people in your most recent photos. Second, Google photos making it easier to look over the most recent highlights from your photos.

[GIF Source: Google ]

Third, animations from your videos. Google Photos will look for segments that capture activity — a jump into the pool, or even just an adorable smile — and create short animations that are easy to share.

Finally, you can set sideways pictures in your collection, you'll get a card that helps you easily put them right side up.

[GIF Source: Google ]


All features are available now on Android, iOS and the web. Read more information here.

