Security, automation, mobility is main areas in digital transformation read more at here
According to a recent Computing study, digital transformation is largely about culture getting people used new, more flexible, and often less hierarchical ways of working. But, there are technological imperatives too, the key ones being security, automation and mobility.
Digital encompasses, a broad array of technology, much of its interdependent. Similarly, digital strategies vary in their focus from business to business, but researchers found that security, automation and mobility are central too most.
Concern about security the profile and importance of data security has increased with digital, so has the difficulty of delivering it as the number of connected devices multiplies and data is sent and stored in all directions.
Having a workable mobile strategy is closely tied up with issues of security. The biggest challenge is arriving at a system that allows employees to use mobile devices with ease, is flexible enough to incorporate new devices as they emerge, and yet ensures that data held on these devices and transmitted between them are secure.
Digital transformation is mostly about improving the customer experience and making business processes more efficient. Automating repetitive and secular back-office processes have the potential to save a great deal of resources, freeing up people to concentrate on more strategic or customer facing activity.
If your technology is older than the people you're employing, the chances are you're going to struggle to hang on to them.
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