Time is decreasing for Trump to regain his grip on the campaigns read more at here www.spinonews.com/index.php/item/1123-time-is-decreasing-for-trump-to-regain-his-grip-on-the-campaigns

Time is decreasing for Trump to regain his grip on the campaign's message as Clinton supporters seize on the drama to reinforce their point that he isn't suitable for the presidency.

 New York Times story published over the weekend that found Trump reported a $916 million loss in 1995. That loss could mean Trump went 18 years without paying federal income taxes.

 But they're especially challenging for Trump, who is losing control of the campaign's narrative after a strong September in which he narrowed the race with Hillary Clinton.

 Trump delivered an underwhelming debate performance, engaged in a counterproductive with a Latina beauty queen, posted early morning Twitter tirades. The tax story which could undermine Trump's image as a successful businessman will dominate the next few days.

Of course, the tax story might not emerge as the kind of October surprise-style impact that Democrats hope. It is possible that Trump truly is a Teflon candidate who is so appealing to voters that his actions don't really matter.

The GOP nominee's closest surrogates launched a fierce defense of Trump Sunday, portraying him as a master of business who expertly used the tax code to his benefit and that of his investors.

The impact of the story and the swirling controversies that have bubbled up over the past week will come into greater focus.  When Trump returns to the campaign trail in the key swing states of Virginia and Colorado.

The tax issue will almost certainly play a significant role in Tuesday's vice presidential debate. If that's the case, it will be a lost opportunity for Trump's running mate, Mike Pence, to present himself to the country as a moderating force on the GOP nominee and someone who can offer a coherent case against a Clinton presidency.

