New article: Scientists developed Robotic Strider similar to Water Strider read more at here
The Scientists have studied and developed a robotic water striders. Water striders are insects which can walk and float on water they are considered as Gerridae a family of insects in commonly known as water striders, water bugs, pond skaters, water skippers, or Jesus bugs.
As researcher have watched the water strider jump on water surfaces using cameras, they noticed that the long legs gradually tend to move with wider angle when landing on water and helps water surface doesn’t retreat too quickly and lose contact with the legs. Legs is always just below the maximum force that water surface tension can withstand.
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The Torque mechanism that generates a small initial torque and gradually increases but that never exceeds the surface tension force of water. As well, the high-speed cameras reveal that the water strider sweeps its legs coming in into the water in order to maximize the time the legs can push against the surface of the water. This mechanism is studied and has added some additional force concepts and developed the strider robots that can walk or float on the water.
Falling on water is a unique motion is mostly observed in semi-aquatic arthropods, such as water striders. This explains the tension of robot to jump and the application of hydrodynamics involved and develop a bio-inspired spontaneous mechanism that increases momentum transfer to water, the scientists has published in the journal Science.
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They found that water striders rotate the curved tips of their legs inward at a relatively low descending velocity with a force just below that required to break the water surface 144 milli newton’s/meter.
With sufficiently light weight, long limbs, and the proper physical mechanisms, the robots were developed. “We built a 68-milligram at-scale jumping robotic insect and verified that it jumps on water with maximum momentum transfer,” the scientists said.
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